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    Thursday, July 16, 2015

    Marine Mammals; Cetaceans, Polar bears, Pinnipeds

    Marine Mammals

    Marine mammals display the same characteristics as that of other mammals. However, their distinct feature is that they have adapted to living all or part of their life in oceans. Most marine mammals have a thick layer of blubber (fat) on their body that keeps them warm in the cold ocean waters. Many species of marine mammals stay underwater for a long time but come to the surface to breathe.


    All whales, dolphins and porpoises are cetaceans. They may be as small as the Hector's dolphin (99 cm) or as large as the blue whale (30 m). The evidence from fossils show that cetaceans and land-dwelling mammals shared common ancestors. Some species of cetaceans are known for their high intelligence. The behavior and distribution of different species of cetaceans very greatly. Many whales and other cetaceans do not chew but swallow their entire prey.

    Polar bears

    Polar bears are the word's largest bears and they live in the arctic region. Though most polar berars are born on land, they spend most part of their life in seas. They have webbed feet and are known to be excellent swimmers. They are endangered because their habit is shrinking due to the melting sea ice. The feed on seals, which make up most of their diet.


    Pinnipeds such as seals, sea lion and walrus are found all over the world. They are fin-footed mammals and have flippers on their front and rear. Pinnipeds are divided in to three families: the earless or 'true' seals, the eared seals and walrus. These three families contain 33 species all together.
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